What you need to know about how to kiss someone based on Zodiac

So what is the secret to this magical movement of muscles that makes people go gaga?
Well, the answer is tougher than you think. This is because, just like there are no two same people, there are no two same kissing styles
Patience and a lot of guesswork are at place. But what does help is having a goodish idea about the person’s temperament. Temperament can be gauged quite effectively, using zodiac signs. And each sun sign has characteristics unique to it. People kiss as differently as they think.

And here what you need to know about how to kiss someone based on astrology. On your date, tactfully ask them their birthday and well, use the key!

Aries (March 21 - April 19)

They feed off of violence. So why should their kissing be any different?
Do not be afraid to use your hands and teeth to their fullest potential. Aries like that spice in their relationships and are very physical people; so pleasing them requires more courage than technique.


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