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Why You Need to be alone according to your Zodiac Sign

Astrology can also tell us exactly why each of the zodiac likes their space. Because the reason is never the same.

For instance, Virgo needs space to process things, but Aries needs space because they like to do things solo sometimes.

Some people will tell you that only certain independent signs such as Aries and Sagittarius like to have their space. Don’t buy this.

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JUPITER 2020 Transit To TAURUS

Please count yourself lucky. TAURUS Why? Venus turns very favourable for you between 14 January and 17 February 2020 and will give you a variety of goods between 5 March and 3 April.

What will be the benefits?

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How Taurus makes more money and keeps it

Though you’re often slow to get started on the road to success, it’s money rather than a red flag that sets you Bulls in motion.

 Your special affinity for wealth makes you a natural in acquiring it, particularly in a position where you can use your .... CONTINUE READING ---->>>


Monthly Horoscope for all Zodiac sign Base on Planetary transit and Find your personalized Good Luck Optimism for the Month ahead using ASTROSIGNATURE Forecast---->>>

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The MARS Effect in your Birthchart

The Mars effect hypothesis was first published by the French researcher Michel Gauquelin in 1955. It states that Mars occupies certain region of the sky more often at the time that sports champions are born than at the time that other people are born.

The Gauquelins analyzed some basic tenets of astrology and found a correlation amongst birth planetary positions of a person, his psychological character and the career or vocation or success in it

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Zodiac Pairings Compatible For Sex But Not Conversation

There are certain zodiac sign pairings compatible for sex but not conversation, and even if someone is your ideal sex mate, they could make for a disastrous partner outside of the bedroom. I know — life is unfair.

These sign pairings, it's unlikely that you'll ever have anything more than incredible sex.


Why you don’t know what to do with your life, based on your zodiac sign.

If you do a quick Google search, you’ll realize that there are so many people, people ranging from 19 years old to 42 years old and probably beyond, who have no clue what they want to do with their lives.

There’s definitely no age limit to having your act together.

keep reading to find out exactly why you don’t know what to do with your life, based on your astrology and zodiac sign.

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The Type Of Toxic relationship You Attract, Base on your Zodiac Sign

Astrology plays a role in the aura we give off that attracts certain people. If you keep finding yourself in similar toxic relationships time after time, go ahead and blame the stars and take the steps to move on and find the right relationship for you.

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Aries (March 21-April 19): The Man-Child

You're an active person and up for pretty much anything so you attract the 'man-child.'

Taurus (April 20th to May 21st): The Manipulator

Being a Taurus makes you the most loyal type of person out there, and this will, in turn, attract the manipulator.
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Is your Zodiac Sign is one of The Most Mysterious Zodiac?

In my opinion, these are the most mysterious zodiac signs — Cancer, Scorpio, and Pisces — and I believe they're in their right to be this way.

The element water is incredibly mystical and enigmatic by nature. It's spiritually versatile and receptive to the universal undercurrents that exist all around us, so those with personal planets in water signs — like all of the aforementioned trio — are born with a psychic radar.

Don't believe me? Try lying to them, and then we'll talk.

1. Scorpio: 

A lot of people are intimidated by Scorpio's hypnotic presence and brooding gaze. However,
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Harmonic Highlights usage and interpretation in your BIRTH CHART

When two planets are separated by a particular angle, astrologers believe that the influences of the two planets combine to create a strong effect on a person. In ancient astrology and much modern astrology five angles are considered very important: 0, 60, 80, 120, and 180 degrees. These important angles are known as "aspects". In modern times, many astrologers also interpret aspects of 30, 45, 135, and 150 degrees. Some astrologers also use a variety of other angles, such as 72, 144, 40, 80, and many other angles.

 In the late 20th century a branch of astrology known as "harmonic astrology" developed and practitioners of harmonic astrology believe that there are many hundreds of different aspects,..

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Your Personality and Destiny according to numerology 

Your SOUL NUMBER reveals your inner, private self, the underlying motivations that influence your decisions and
actions, your subconscious desires and most deeply ingrained attitudes. (It is determined by adding the values for the vowels
in your full birth name.) CONTINUE READING ---->>>

The MARS Effect in your Birthchart

The Mars effect hypothesis was first published by the French researcher Michel Gauquelin in 1955. It states that Mars occupies certain region of the sky more often at the time that sports champions are born than at the time that other people are born.

The Gauquelins analyzed some basic tenets of astrology and found a correlation amongst birth planetary positions of a person, his psychological character and the career or vocation or success in it.. READMORE --->>>


The major themes in your life are described. The themes are presented approximately in the order in which they are a priority in your life. In other words, the themes which are most important are, in general, described near the beginning of the report, and the less important themes are described towards the end.

Personality Profile Scores base on your Birthchart

 Take this personality profile score to find out whether you are truly in line with your sign!

Given on the following Personality scores in 25 different categories. The titles of the categories are self-explanatory. For example, if your score for category 1 is high, then you have excellent aptitude for any area that requires mental concentration, attention to technical details, logic, or research.

Monthly Horoscope for all Zodiac sign Base on Planetary transit and Find your personalized Good Luck Optimism for the Month ahead using ASTROSIGNATURE Forecast---->>>

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Business Success and Good Luck, Optimism For the Month FEB 2020

Good Luck, Optimism For the Month FEB 2020 Find out your Personalized Good Luck Optimism ,   CLICK HERE ---->>> . Gene...